International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology XVI  IWPMB 2013


Tuesday 26, March 2013

14:00 - 16:00 Registration
16:00 - 16:10Welcome remark
16:10 - 17:10 Opening Plenary Lecture
Chair: Toru Fujiwara (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

Understanding mechanisms of membrane traffic by live imaging

Akihiko Nakano (The University of Tokyo/ RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Japan)
18:00 - 20:00Welcome Party

Wednesday 27, March 2013

8:45Registration opens
9:00 - 10:45Session I: Structural physiology of membrane transport machinery
Chair: Masayoshi Maeshima (Nagoya University, Japan)
9:00 S1-1Terminal regulatory domains of plant P-type pumps
Michael G. Palmgren (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
9:30 S1-2Moving anions across the vacuolar membrane with CLCs
Sebastien Thomine (Institut des Sciences du Vegetal CNRS, France)
10:00 S1-PO1Vacuolar pH - who is in charge?
Anne Kriegel (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
10:15 S1-PO2 The vacuolar type H+-PPase is the master regulator of cytosolic PPi omeostasis in Arabidopsis
Ali Ferjani (Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan)
10:30 S1-PO3Biochemical characterization and structure-function relationship of the plastidic nucleobase transporter PLUTO, a novel membrane protein in Arabidopsis thaliana
Sandra Witz (TU Kaiserslautern, Germany)
10:45 - 11:15Coffee break
11:15 - 13:00Session II: Membrane trafficking and protein targeting
Chair: Karin Schumacher (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
11:15 S2-1The late prevacuole: last stop before the vacuole Jurgen Denecke (University of Leeds, UK)
11:45 S2-2Mechanism and function of plant-unique membrane trafficking pathways
Takashi Ueda (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
12:15 S2-PO1Arabidopsis mutants with altered intracellular localization of a plasma membrane boric acid channel
Junpei Takano (Hokkaido University, Japan)
12:30 S2-PO2The processing and trafficking of seed storage proteins is regulated by endosomal pH homeostasis
Maria Reguera (University of California Davis, USA)
12:45 S2-PO3ROP GTPases and membrane domains in cell polarity and auxin transport
Shaul Yalofsky (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
13:00 - 14:00Lunch
14:00 - 15:45Session III: Essential mineral transport
Chair: Toru Fujiwara (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
14:00 S3-1Merging biophysics with genetics on the pollen tube cell: a window to systems' coordination?
Jose Feijo (Lisbon University, Portugal)
14:30 S3-2Concentration and temporal dependent nitrate responses mediated by transceptor CHL1
Yi-Fang Tsay (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
15:00 S3-PO1Understanding multiple regulations affecting PHT1 (high affinity phosphate transporters) in Arabidopsis
Laurent Nussaume (CEA, France)
15:11 S3-PO2 Quantitative membrane proteomics revealing PHOSPHATE TRANSPORTER 1 as downstream component of PHO2 in Arabidopsis roots
Teng-Kuei Huang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
15:22 S3-PO35´untranslated region regulates boron-dependent translation of a boron transporter BOR1
Izumi Aibara (Hokkaido University, Japan)
15:33 S3-PO4Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of expression of the Arabidopsis thaliana magnesium/proton exchanger (AtMHX)
Orit Shaul (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
15:45 - 16:15Coffee break
16:15 - 18:00Session IV: Toxic mineral transport
Chair: Jian Feng Ma (Okayama University, Japan)
16:15 S4-1Studies on the function and regulation of organic acid transporters involved in cereal aluminum resistance
Leon Kochian (Cornell University, USA)
16:45 S4-2Membrane transport processes enabling Arabidopsis halleri to grow on heavy-metal contaminated soils
Ute Kraemer (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
17:15 S4-PO1Function of NIP aquaporin proteins in arsenic accumulation in rice
Yi Chen (Rothamsted Research, UK)
17:30 S4-PO2Functional characterization of an Al-induced transporter gene,
FeIREG2, in buckwheat
Kengo Yokosho (Okayama University, Japan)
17:45 S4-PO3A novel member of the major facilitator superfamily is involved in zinc and nickel homeostasis in Arabidopsis
Corina Nelson (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
 Free Night

Thursday 28, March 2013

8:45Registration opens
9:00 - 10:45 Session V: Metabolite transport
Chair: Youngsook Lee (POSTECH, South Korea)
9:00 S5-1A multipronged approach for unraveling nutrient uptake and translocation
Wolf B. Frommer (Carnegie Institution for Science, USA)
9:30 S5-2Identification of plastidial pyruvate transporter and hypothesis of its transporting mechanism
Tsuyoshi Furumoto (Ryukoku University, Japan)
10:00 S5-PO1Subcellular organisation of plant nucleotide metabolism
Torsten Mohlmann (TU Kaiserslautern, Germany)
10:15 S5-PO2Designing a technology platform for identifying transporter proteinfunction and elucidating the glucosinolate transporter complement
Bo Larsen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
10:30 S5-PO3AtABCA9 transporter supplies fatty acids for lipid synthesis to the endoplasmic reticulum
Youngsook Lee (POSTECH, South Korea)
10:45 - 11:15Coffee break
11:15 - 12:45Session VI: Aquaporin
Chair: Katsuhiro Shiratake (Nagoya University, Japan)
11:15 S6-1The role of aquaporins in cellular osmoregulation
Per Kjellbom (Lund University, Sweden)
11:45 S6-2Emerging functions of aquaporins in Arabidopsis
Christophe Maurel (CNRS/ INRA, France)
12:15 S6-PO1New insights into aquaporin function and regulation
Francois Chaumont (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
12:30 S6-PO2Identification of tonoplast aquaporins in chloroplast membranes with role in photosynthesis
Azeez Beebo (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
13:00 - 14:00Lunch & Workshop 1: New insights into LRR-receptor kinase
Chair: Yoshikatsu Matsubayashi (National Institute for Basic Biology, Japan)
13:00 W1-1The twists and turns of plant membrane signalling
Michael Hothorn (The Max Planck Society, Germany)
13:30 W1-2Biochemical challenges to identify peptide hormone-LRR receptor pairs in plants Hidefumi Shinohara (National Institute for Basic Biology, Japan)
14:00 - 15:30Poster viewing (Odd number)
15:30 - 16:00Coffee break
16:00 - 17:45Session VII: Stomatal movement and physiology
Chair: Toshinori Kinoshita (Nagoya University, Japan)
16:00 S7-1Light-induced stomatal movement and signaling
Ken-ichiro Shimazaki (Kyushu University, Japan)
16:30 S7-2Guard cell CO2 and abscisic acid signal transduction in plants
Julian I. Schroeder (University of California San Diego, USA)
17:00 S7-PO1SCAP1, a master regulator of the development of functional stomata in Arabidopsis
Juntaro Negi (Kyushu University, Japan)
17:15 S7-PO2Ozone-triggered rapid stomatal response involves production of reactive oxygen species and is controlled by SLAC1
Triin Vahisalu (University of Tartu, Estonia)
17:30 S7-PO3 An ABA transporter (ABCG40) interacting MAP 3 kinase regulates ABA responses
Jae-Ung Hwang (POSTECH, South Korea)
17:45 - 18:15Coffee break
18:15 - 20:00Session VIII: Signaling network for modulating membrane transport
Chair: Sheng Luan (UC Berkeley, USA)
18:15 S8-1Guard cell autonomous ABA synthesis provide for low humidity stomatal closure Rainer Hedrich (University Wuerzburg, Germany)
18:45 S8-2Protein kinase-phosphatase network in ion channel regulation
Sheng Luan (University of California Berkeley, USA)
19:15 S8-PO1The brassinosteroid, clavata 3, and endogenous immune peptide receptors activate signaling cascades through cytosolic calcium elevation
Gerald Berkowitz (University of Connecticut, USA)
19:30 S8-PO2Control mechanism of osmotic stress response and plant growth by potassium transporters in Arabidopsis
Yuriko Osakabe (RIKEN, Japan)
19:45 S8-PO3Regulation of the weakly voltage gated potassium channel AKT2
Kamil Sklodowski (Max-Planck-Institute, Germany)

Friday 29, March 2013

8:45Registration opens
9:00 - 10:45Session IX: Signalling (Ca2+, solute and hormone)
Chair: Angus S. Murphy (University of Maryland, USA)
9:00 S9-1 Ca2+ waves and plant systemic signaling
Simon Gilroy (University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA)
9:30 S9-2Functional interactomics of auxin transport complexes
Markus Geisler (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
10:00 S9-PO1Annexin-mediated calcium signalling in roots
Anuphon Laohavisit (University of Cambridge, UK)
10:15 S9-PO2The peptide hormone PSY1 stimulates plant cell growth by promoting an interaction between a LRR-receptor kinase and a proton pump
Anja Thoe Fuglsang (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
10:30 S9-PO3Auxin activates the plasma membrane H+-ATPase through phosphorylation of the penultimate threonine without the involvement of TIR1/AFBs auxin receptors
Koji Takahashi (Nagoya University, Japan)
10:45 - 11:15Coffee break
11:15 - 12:45Session X: Membrane lipids - membrane domains and role in transporter function
Chair: Hiroyuki Ohta (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
11:15 S10-1Physiological significance of phosphatidylethanolamine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Ikuo Nishida (Saitama University, Japan)
11:45 S10-2Lipid transport and lipid remodeling at the chloroplast envelope membranes Christoph L. Benning (Michigan State University, USA)
12:15 S10-PO1FAX1, a novel membrane protein in the chloroplast inner envelope involved in export of fatty acids and/ or derivatives
Juergen Soll (University Munich, Germany)
12:30 S10-PO2Remorin, a plant phosphorylated protein located in membrane rafts, involved in virus propagation
Sebastien Mongrand (CNRS/Universite Bordeaux Segalen, France)
13:00 - 14:00Lunch & Workshop 2: New insights into imaging
Chair: Simon Gilroy (Wisconsin University, USA)
13:00 W2-1Functional and morphological integrity of the plant Golgi
Federica Brandizzi (Michigan State University, USA)
13:30 W2-2A dynamic scaffold: cytoskeletal organization of the plant cell membrane
David Ehrhardt (Carnegie Institution for Science, USA)
14:00 - 15:30Poster viewing (Even number)
15:30 - 16:00Coffee break
16:00 - 18:00Session XI: Abiotic stress (drought, salt, pathogens), environmental homeostasis and membrane signaling
Chair: Nobuyuki Uozumi (Tohoku University, Japan)
16:00 S11-1Abiotic stress and membrane signaling: critical roles for inorganic cations
Dale Sanders (The John Innes Centre, UK)
16:30 S11-2Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis family of intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters reveals key roles in the control of intracellular pH and Ion homeostasis
Elias Bassil (University of California Davis, USA)
17:00 S11-3A Petunia ABC transporter controls a multitude of strigolactone-dependent functions
Enrico Martinoia (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
17:30 S11-PO1Gene functional analysis of ABC transporter AtABCG25 in stress responses
Takashi Kuromori (RIKEN, Japan)
17:45 S11-PO2GABA-gated anion channels in plants - they exist and have important physiological roles
Sunita A Ramesh (University of Adelaide, Australia)
18:00 - 18:30Coffee break
18:30 - 21:00Special Workshop: Plant power to overcome environments (Supported by MEXT)
Chair: Jian Feng Ma (Okayama University, Japan)
18:30 SW-1Roles of abiotic stress-inducible transporters in Arabidopsis
Yamaguchi-Shinozaki Kazuko (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
19:00 SW-2Transporters conferring mineral stress tolerance
Jian Feng Ma (Okayama University, Japan)
19:30 SW-3Regulation of nutrient transporters for optimum growth
Toru Fujiwara (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
20:00 SW-4Regulation of stomatal opening by photoperiodic components
Toshinori Kinoshita (Nagoya University, Japan)
20:30 SW-5Transcriptional control of plant cell growth
Keiko Sugimoto (Riken, Japan)

Saturday 30, March 2013

8:45Registration opens
9:00 - 10:30Workshop 3: The history and future of IWPMB
Chair: Matthew Gilliham (University of Adelaide, Australia)
9:00 W3-1Topics and episodes in the history of plant membrane biology
Masashi Tazawa (The University of Tokyo/ Yoshida Biological Laboratory, Japan)
9:30 W3-2Using the past to look into the future
Roger Allen Leigh (University of Adelaide, Australia)
10:00 W3-3The future of IWPMB . introduction to the guided discussion
Matthew Gilliham (University of Adelaide, Australia)
10:30 - 11:20Presentation for next IWPMB
11:20 - 17:00Mid Tour
18:00 - 20:00Conference Dinner

Sunday 31, March 2013

8:45Registration opens
9:00 - 10:45Session XII: Transporter study for improvement of crop yield and quality
Chair: Naoko Nishizawa (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
9:00 S12-1Understanding and engineering salinity tolerance in crop plants
Mark Tester (The Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics, Australia)
9:30 S12-2Nitrate transporters and nitrogen use efficiency in rice
Guohua Xu (Nanjing Agricultural University, China)
10:00 S12-PO1Molecular identity and functional characterization of transporters involved in vacuolar citrate and malate transport in ripening tomato fruit
Annette Kugler (The University of Oxford, UK)
10:15 S12-PO2Distinct above- and belowground synthesis and vascular transport control short- and long-chained aliphatic glucosinolate distribution in vegetative Arabidopsis
Hussam H Nour-Eldin (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
10:30 S12-PO3Molecular breeding of floricultural crops using transporter genes
Touko Oda (Nagoya University, Japan)
10:45 - 11:00Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30Session XIII-omics for transporter study
Chair: Tetsuro Mimura (Kobe University, Japan)
11:00 S13-1Cell-type specific transcriptome analysis in nodules of Lotus japonicas
Kazufumi Yazaki (Kyoto University, Japan)
11:30 S13-2Quantitative proteomics to uncover how plants adapt to zinc deficiency
Yoichiro Fukao (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
12:00 S13-PO1 Comparison of bundle sheath and mesophyll cells transcriptomes in both well-watered and water-deficient
Arabidopsis (C3) plants: transport protein genes
Noa Wigoda (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
12:15 S13-PO2The soybean symbiosome membrane: a plant membrane that is the interface between rhizobia and its host plant
Penelope MC Smith (University of Sydney, Australia)
12:30IWPMB Concludes

Poster Session

Session I Structural physiology of membrane transport machinery

S1-PO1  Vacuolar pH - who is in charge?
Kriegel A, Krebs M, Medzihradsky A, Lohmann J, Schumacher K

S1-PO2 The vacuolar type H+-PPase is the master regulator of cytosolic PPi homeostasis in Arabidopsis
Ferjani A, Ishida M, Segami S, Muto Y, Sakata A, Horiguchi G, Maeshima M, Tsukaya H

S1-PO3  Biochemical characterization and structure-function relationship of the plastidic nucleobase transporter PLUTO, a novel membrane protein in Arabidopsis thaliana Witz S, Panwar P, Deppe J, Schober M, Lemieux J, Mohlmann T

S1-P4  The Arabidopsis phosphate exporter PHO1 is composed of 3 distinct domains which fulfill different functions
Wege S, Arpat AB, Aller I, Meyer A, Poirier Y

S1-P5  Fine-tuning of ACA8, a plasma membrane Ca2+- ATPase of Arabidopsis thaliana, by different regulatory mechanisms
Bonza MC, De Michelis MI, Giacometti S, Limonta M, Luoni L, Marrano CA

S1-P6  Hetero-oligomerisation of plant plasma membrane aquaporins
Berny MC , Gilis D, Rooman M, Chaumont F

S1-P7  Regulation of the plasma membrane proton-pump ATPase
Niczyj-Raucy M, Bienert MD, Piotrowiak D, Boutry M

S1-P8  Nucleoside transporters in A.thaliana, non plant homologs and structural
Daumann M, Girke C, Moehlmann T

S1-P9  Functional and structural properties of plant borate transporters
Hrmova M, Nagarajan Y, Zielenietski J, Shadiac N, Mertens H, Tyerman S, Koeper I, Sutton T

S1-P10  Zinc-binding and structural properties of the histidine-rich loop of Arabidopsis vacuolar membrane zinc transporter MTP1
Tanaka N, Kawachi M, Fujiwara T, Maeshima M

S1-P11  The iron and manganese transporter AtNRAMP5 contributes to male fertility in Arabidopsis thaliana
Pottier M, Roux C, Roschzttardt H, Lanquar V, Oomen R, Giraudat J, Curie C, Thomine S

S1-P12  The structural puzzle of rectification of voltage-gated plant potassium channels
Riedelsberger J, Gonzalez W, Riadi G, Dreyer I

S1-P13  New functional residues of vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase revealed by site-directed mutagenesis
Asaoka M, Segami S, Mimura H, Toyoshima C, Maeshima M

S1-P14  Amino acid screening based on structural modeling identifies critical residues for function, ion selectivity and structure of Arabidopsis MTP1
Kawachi M, Kramer U, Maeshima M

S1-P15  Analyses of aluminum-activation domain of ALMT transporters
Sasaki T, Furuichi T, Yamamoto Y

S1-P16  Identification and characterization of the ChLoride Channel, AtCLCg, involved in salt stress response in Arabidopsis thaliana
Nguyen CT, Agorio A, Thomine S, Filleur S

S1-P17  The ion-selective vibrating probe as a tool for screening quantitative and qualitative phenotypic effects in ion dynamics
Portes MT, Wudick MM, Lima PT, Feijó JA

Session II Membrane trafficking and protein targeting

S2-PO1  Arabidopsis mutants with altered intracellular localization of a plasma membrane boric acid channel
Uehara M, Kamiya T, Shigenobu S, Yamaguchi K, Fujiwara T, Naito S, Takano J

S2-PO2  The processing and trafficking of seed storage proteins is regulated by endosomal pH homeostasis
Reguera M, Bassil E, Tajima H, McCubbin T, Blumwald E

S2-PO3  ROP GTPases and membrane domains in cell polarity and auxin transport
Yalovsky S, Hazak O, Sternberg H, Mammon E

S2-P4  A forward genetic approach to identify novel factors for boron-sensing and
endocytosis of AtBOR1
Yoshinari A, Beck M, Zhou J, Robatzek S, Naito S, Takano J

S2-P5  Role of transmembrane domain 3 in the trafficking of maize aquaporins to the plasma membrane
Chevalier AS, Bienert PG, Chaumont F

S2-P6  Dynamics of Autophagy in Defense Responses in Tobacco BY-2 Cells Revealed by in vivo Imaging and Quantitative Monitoring of Autophagic Flux.
Kuchitsu K, Hanamata S, Okada M, Kurusu T

S2-P7  Characterization of proteins in the secretory vesicle cluster
Liu J, Hayashi K, Asatsuma S, Toyooka K, Matsuoka K

S2-P8  An Arabidopsis vacuolar sorting factor, GFS9, is involved in vacuolar morphogenesis and plant development
Ichino T, Fuji K, Takahashi H, Koumoto Y, Tamura K, Shimada T, Hara-Nishimura I

S2-P9  IRE1-dependent decay of mRNAs in the Arabidopsis unfolded protein response
Mishiba K, Nagashima Y, Suzuki E, Hayashi N, Ogata Y, Shimada Y, Koizumi N

S2-P10  Narrowing down the mechanism of lipid transport by plant P4-ATPases
Lopez Marques RL, Poulsen LR, Theorin L, Faxen K, Pomorski TG, Palmgren MG

S2-P11  Evidence that proliferation of Golgi apparatus depends on both de novo generation from the ER and formation from pre-existing stacks during the growth of tobacco BY-2 cells
Abiodun MO, Matsuoka K

S2-P12  Analysis of protein domains involved in tonoplast targeting and function of the two-pore channel TPC1
Larisch N, Schulze C, Dietrich P

Session  III Essential mineral transport

S3-PO1  Understanding multiple regulations affecting PHT1 (high affinity phosphate transporters) in Arabidopsis
Thibaud MC, Kanno S, Bayle V, Chiarenza S, Arrighi JF, Marin E, Ayadi A, Creff A, Nakanishi TM, Nussaume L

S3-PO2  Quantitative membrane proteomics revealing PHOSPHATE TRANSPORTER 1 as downstream component of PHO2 in Arabidopsis roots
Huang TK, Han CL, Lin SI, Chen YJ, Tsai YC, Chen JW, Lin WY, Chen PM, Liu TY, Chen YS, Chiou TJ

S3-PO3  5´ untranslated region regulates boron-dependent translation of a boron
transporter BOR1
Aibara I, Hirai T, Miwa K

S3-PO4  Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of expression of the Arabidopsis thaliana magnesium/proton exchanger (AtMHX)
Shaul O, Akua T, Saul H, Gaash R, Gottlieb D, Berezin I

S3-P5  Dynamic regulation of Mn distribution by OsNramp3 in rice node
Yamaji N, Sasaki A, Yokosho K, Xia JX, Ma JF

S3-P6  Identification of a magnesium transporter gene required for aluminum tolerance in rice
Chen ZC, Yamaji N, Ma JF

S3-P7  OsYSL16 is required for redistribution of Cu from older tissues in rice
Zheng L, Yamaji N, Yokosho K, Ma JF

S3-P8  OsHMA5 is involved in the xylem loading of Cu in rice
Deng F, Yonamine I, Yamaji N, Ma JF

S3-P9  Molecular evolution of plant ion channels/transporters
Dreyer I

S3-P10  Nitrate reallocation to roots represents a common response to stresses
Lv XF, Meng S, Gong JM

S3-P11  Characterization of two root nitrate transporters NRT1:15 and 1:16
Wang PJ, Tsay YF

S3-P12  The role of CIPK8 in regulating nitrate response
Chou YT, Tsay YF

S3-P13  Phosphorylation-dependent modulation of Shaker-type K channels in Arabidopsis thaliana
Mizuguchi Y, Hamamoto S, Okuhara T, Nakayama K, Matsumoto N, Nanatani K, Uozumi N

S3-P14  Promoter analysis of a rice influx silicon transporter gene Lsi1
Mitani-Ueno N, Yamaji N, Ma JF

S3-P15  NRT1.11 and NRT1.12 are responsible for nitrate redistribution from mature leaves to young leaves
Hsu PK, Cheng YH, Tsay YF

S3-P16  Isolation and characterization of efflux Transporter Of Mugineic acids (TOM) in graminaceous plants
Nozoye T

S3-P17  Functional analysis of OsNramp5, a transporter involved in Mn and Cd uptake in rice
Sasaki A, Ishizaki K, Yamaji N, Kohchi T, Ma JF

S3-P18  Characterization of sper3, a polyamine-resistant mutant of Arabidopsis
Tong W, Imai A, Tabata R, Yamada M, Yamaguchi K, Shigenobu S, Hasebe M, Sawa S, Motose H, Takahashi T,

S3-P19  Isolation and analysis of low magnesium sensitive mutants (kudo)
Kamiya T, Danku M, Shigenobu S, Yamaguchi K, Fujiwara T, Salt DE

S3-P20  Analysis of re-translocation of phosphate in deciduous woody plants; Populus alba.
Kurita Y, Baba K, Ohnishi M, Anegawa A, Kosuge K, Shichijo C, Fukaki H, Mimura T

S3-P21  Molecular properties of a unique member of the Arabidopsis CDF family, AtMTP12, with a high molecular mass
Fujiwara T, Kawachi M, Mori H, Nakanishi Y, Maeshima M

S3-P22  Characterization of calcium channel in yeast vacuolar membrane
Hamamoto S, Yabe I, Uozumi N

S3-P23  Studies of the MRS2/MGT magnesium transporter family in a rice plant
Kobayashi NI, Saito T, Suzuki H, Iwata R, Tanoi K, Nakanishi TM

S3-P24  The role of pH in the regulation of anionic transport in pollen
Dias PN, Domingos P, Feijo JA, Bicho A

S3-P25  Glutamate receptors in the pollen of Arabidopsis thaliana - on the calcium branch
Wudick MM, Portes MT, Campos C, Feijo JA

S3-P26  PHO2-dependent degradation of PHO1 modulates phosphate homeostasis in Arabidopsis
Liu TY, Huang TK, Tseng CY, Lai YS, Lin SI, Lin WY, Chen JW, Chiou TJ

S3-P27  Increasing the zinc content of seeds - the role of Heavy Metal ATPases
Olsen LI, Palmgren MG

S3-P28  Novel iron absorption mechanism with the help of symbiotic fungi
Kobae Y, Fujiwara T

S3-P29  Imaging analysis of molybdate in vivo by a genetically encoded FRET nanosensor
Nakanishi Y, Kawashima T, Iida S, Fujiwara T, Maeshima M

S3-P30  Phylogeny and a structural model of plant magnesium/proton exchangers (MHXs)
Gaash R, Elazar M, Mizrahi K, Avramov-Mor M, Berezin I, Shaul O

S3-P31  PIC-NIC in plastid envelopes - towards decoding chloroplast metal-translocon complexes
Philippar K, Stube R, Duy D

S3-P32  Functional characterization of a shoot-specific ammonium transporter SlAMT1;3 in tomato
Yuan L, Duan F, von Wiren N

S3-P33  Low-CO2 inducible Ci transport system in a green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Yamano T, Sato E, Fukuzawa H

S3-P34  The role of sulfate transporter SULTR2;1 3’region in its sulfur limitation response and physiological function
Maruyama-Nakashita A, Inoue E, Watanabe A, Yamaya T, Saito K, Takahashi H

S3-P35 Two members of plant cadmium resistance (PCR) family proteins regulate metal ion homeostasis in plant
Song WY, Martinoia E, Choi KS, Lee Y

S3-P36  NLA, a target of miR827, mediates degradation of phosphate transporters to maintain phosphate homeostasis in Arabidopsis
Lin WY, Huang TK, Chiou TJ

Session IV Toxic mineral transport

S4-PO1  Function of NIP aquaporin proteins in arsenic accumulation in rice
Chen Y, Lomax C, Miller T, Maathuis F, McGrath S, Zhao F

S4-PO2  Functional characterization of an Al-induced transporter gene, FeIREG2, in buckwheat
Yokosho K, Yamaji N, Ma JF

S4-PO3  A novel member of the major facilitator superfamily is involved in zinc and nickel homeostasis in Arabidopsis
Nelson C, Stal Papini Terzi F, Sauer N

S4-P4  Investigating the origin and transport of methylated arsenic species in rice (Oryza sativa)
Lomax C, Chen Y, Miller T, McGrath S, Meharg A, Zhao F

S4-P5  A member of Nramp family transports trivalent Al in rice
Xia J, Yamaji N, Ma JF

S4-P6  Revealing the underlying mechanisms of metal hyperaccumulation in Sedum plumbizincicola by second generation sequencing
Peng J, Gong J

S4-P7  Vacuolar and plasma-membrane localized Al-transporters in Hydrangea macrophylla
Yoshida K, Negishi T, Oshima K, Hattori M, Kanai M, Mano S, Nishimura M

S4-P8  Possible involvement of alternative splicing of TjZNT1 in zinc accumulation in the metal hyperaccumulator Thlaspi japonicum
Nishida S, Aisu A, Nishimura N, Mizuno T, Fujiwara T

S4-P9  De novo transcriptome sequencing of the nickel hyperaccumulator Psychotria gabriellae and identification of PgIREG1 as a candidate nickel transporter involved in accumulation
Merlot S, Hannibal L, Martins S, Amir H, Lebrun M, Thomine S

S4-P10  Phloem-specific transporter OsLCT1 at nodes regulates preferential Cd transport to upper nodes and grains
Uraguchi S, Suzui N, Yin YG, Ishii S, Kawachi N, Fujimaki S, Fujiwara T

S4-P11  OsNRAMP5-RNAi rice accumulates higher cadmium in the paddy field
Takahashi R, Ishimaru Y, Shimo H, Bashir K, Senoura T, Sugimoto K, Ono K, Yano M, Nishizawa NK, Nakanishi H,

S4-P12  Construction of yeast expression library enriched with rice transporter genes.
Akihiro T, Oda K, Otani M, Minamii T, Yamaki T, Ishikawa T

S4-P13  Development and gene identification of low cadmium rice
Nakanishi H, Ishikawa S, Ishimaru Y, Bashir K, Igura M, Kuramata M, Abe T, Senoura T, Hase Y, Arao T, Nishizawa NK

S4-P14  Suppression of radiocesium transfer to brown rice from soil by potassium
Fujimura S, Sakuma Y, Saito T

Session V Metabolite transport

S5-PO1  Subcellular organisation of plant nucleotide metabolism
Mohlmann T, Witz S, Jung B, Girke C, Daumann M

S5-PO2  Designing a technology platform for identifying transporter protein function and elucidating the glucosinolate transporter complement
Larsen B, Nour-Eldin HH, Halkier BA

S5-PO3  AtABCA9 transporter supplies fatty acids for lipid synthesis to the endoplasmic reticulum
Kim S, Yamaoka Y, Ono H, Kim H, Shim D, Maeshima M, Martinoia E, Cahoon EB, Nishida I, Lee Y

S5-P4  Biotin transport by suc proteins
Pommerrenig B, Rappl C, Feussner I, Sauer N

S5-P5  Nucleoside and RNA metabolism in plant vacuoles
Girke C, Daumann M, Wahl A, Mohlmann T

S5-P6  Nicotine translocation by several multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) transporters in Nicotiana tabacum
Shitan N, Minami S, Morita M, Ito S, Goossens A, Inze D, Moriyasu M, Yazaki K

S5-P7  Hydrophilic and hydrophobic pathways for the uptake of compounds in lateral roots based on in planta observation
Yamazaki K, Tsuruta H, Inui H

S5-P8  Peptide Transport ? Identification of important amino acids in AtPTR1 by forward genetics
Freihart M, Kuslys E, Rentsch D

S5-P9  Analysis of MATE-type transporters, LjMATE2 and LjMATE3 in Lotus japonicus
Ota Y, Takanashi K, Sugiyama A, Aoki T, Yazaki K

S5-P10  Analysis of a SWEET transporter in nodules of Lotus japonicus
Saida Y, Sugiyama A, Takanashi K, Sosso D, Frommer WB, Yazaki K

S5-P11  ABC Transporters in Tomato
Mizuno A, Suzuki M, Sone K, Hioki J, Matsumoto S, Otagaki S, Aoki K, Shiratake K

S5-P12  A Medicago truncatula ABC transporter belonging to subfamily G modulates the level of isoflavonoids
Jasinski M, Banasiak J, Biala W, Staszkow A, Swarcewicz B, Figlerowicz M

S5-P13  Characterisation of candidate Glycine max symbiosome membrane proteins
Brear EM, Qu Y, Clarke V, Loughlin P, Chen L, Overall R, Day D, Smith P

S5-P14  The basis for differences in substrate specificity between type I and II sucrose transporters
Reinders A, Sun Y, Karvonen KL, Ward JM

S5-P15  Analysis of a MATE-type transporter in cultured cells of Coptis japonica
Takanashi K, Yamada Y, Sato F, Yazaki K

S5-P16  AtALMT3 is a malate transporter induced in roots of phosphorus deficient
Arabidopsis thaliana
Maruyama H, Sasaki T, Wasaki J

S5-P17  Functional characterisation of Sorghum bicolor sucrose transporters
Milne RJ, Byrt CS, Reinders A, Ward JM, Patrick JW, Grof CPL

Session VI Aquaporin

S6-PO1  New insights into aquaporin function and regulation
Chaumont F, Aloui A, Berny MC, Besserer A, Bienert GP, Chevalier AS, Hachez C, Heinen R, Jeanguenin L, Pou Mir A, Reinhardt H

S6-PO2  Identification of Tonoplast Aquaporins in Chloroplast Membranes with Role in Photosynthesis
Beebo A, Bouhidel K, Schoefs B, Spetea C

S6-P3  Plant aquaporin endomembrane trafficking and dynamics
Wudick MM, Li X, Valentini V, Geldner N, Chory J, Lin J, Maurel C, Luu DT

S6-P4  Extensive and transient gene expression enhancement of the plasma membrane aquaporin PIP2;3 in response to high temperatures in Arabidopsis thaliana
Tsuchihira A, Hanba Y, Maeshima M

S6-P5  Root hydraulic conductivity and PIP aquaporins of barely and rice in response to salinity/osmotic stress
Katsuhara M, Kaneko T, Horie T, Tsuji N, Shibasaka M

S6-P6  Sterols stabilize pip-containing multiprotein complexes and decrease plasma membrane osmotic water permeability
Shevyreva TA, Belugin B, Zhestkova IM, Trofimova MS

S6-P7  Molecular and functional characterisation of a recently identified class of plant
aquaporins: the X Intrinsic proteins
Bienert GP, Chaumont F

S6-P8  Rice aquaporins during from flowering to grain filling period
Hayashi H, Murai-Hatano M, Ishikawa-Sakurai J

S6-P9  Rice plants observe today’s weather and regulate aquaporin expressions in the roots
Hatano MM, Kuwagata T, Sakurai JI, Hayashi H

S6-P10  The role of aquaporins in the auxin canalization pathway toward the formation of new protoxylem
Peleg G, Moshelion M

S6-P11  Analysis of aquaporin facilitated CO2 diffusion across biological and artificial membranes
Uehlein N, Otto B, Heckwolf M, Sperling H, Eilingsfeld A, Itel F, Meier W, Kaldenhoff R

S6-P12  Analysis of boron-dependent regulatory mechanism of NIP5;1, mRNA degradation in Arabidopsis thaliana roots
Tanaka M

S6-P13  Adaptation of rice roots to nitrogen: adjustment of morphology and water uptake through changes in aquaporin expressios
Ishikawa-Sakurai J, Hayashi H, Murai-Hatano M

S6-P14  Effect of low root-temperature on water use, growth and aquaporin expression in rice plants under various air-humidity conditions
Kuwagata T, Ishikawa-Sakurai J, Hayashi H, Nagasuga K, Fukushi K, Ahamed A, Takasugi K, Katsuhara M, Murai-Hatano M

S6-P15  Expression and functional analysis of plasma membrane aquaporin gene, ZoPIP1;1
and ZoPIP2;1 in eelgrass (Zostera marina).
Kondo K, Yanada K, Tanaka I, Shiota H

S6-P16  OsPIP1 and OsPIP2 interactions for intracellular trafficking
Matsumoto T, Miyamori Y, Itoh Y, Umeyama H, Iwadate M, Iwasaki I

S6-P17  Expression of foreign aquaporin genes in the lily pollen protoplast system
Yamada K, Yanada K, Matsuzawa A, Tanaka I, Shiota H

S6-P18  Gating of Plasma Membrane Intrinsic Protein1 via Interaction with Plasma
Membrane Intrinsic Protein2
Shibasaka M, Katsuhara M

S6-P19  The role of aquaporin (PIP) in ABA mediated decrease in mesophyll conductance
Mizokami Y, Noguchi K, Terashima I

S6-P20  The photosynthetic response of tobacco and eucalyptus plants overexpressing aquaporins
Hanba YT, Kawase M, Ohnishi Y, Hojyo K, Katsuhara M, Maeshima M

S6-P21  The Role of Bundle Sheet-Specific PIP Aquaporins in Controlling Leaf Hydraulics
Sade N, Shatil-Cohen A, Attia Z, Lerner S, Yaaran A, Moshelion M

Session VII Stomatal movement and physiology

S7-PO1  SCAP1, a master regulator of the development of functional stomata in
Negi J, Moriwaki K, Konishi M, Yokoyama R, Nakano T, Kusumi K, Hashimoto-Sugimoto M, Schroeder JI, Nishitani K, Yanagisawa S, Iba K

S7-PO2 Ozone-triggered rapid stomatal response involves production of reactive oxygen species and is controlled by SLAC1
Vahisalu T, Puzorjova I, Brosche M, Valk E, Lepiku M, Moldau H, Loog M, Kangasjarvi J, Kollist H

S7-PO3  An ABA transporter (ABCG40) interacting MAP 3 kinase regulates ABA responses
Hwang JU, Choi Y, Lee Y

S7-P4  Manipulation of stomatal opening increases photosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Wang Y, Ono N, Inoue S, Kinoshita T

S7-P5  Analysis of blue light signaling pathway in stomata by immunohistochemical method
Hayashi M, Inoue S, Takahashi K, Kinoshita T

S7-P6  FT homolog, TWIN SISTER OF FT positively regulates stomatal opening
Ando E, Ohnishi M, Inoue S, Kinoshita T

S7-P7  An Arabidopsis Munc13-like protein, PATROL1, mediates H+-ATPase translocation that promotes stomatal opening
Hashimoto-Sugimoto M, Higaki T, Yaeno T, Akita K, Negi J, Shirasu K, Hasezawa S, Iba K

S7-P8  Involvement of calcium-dependent protein kinase, CPK6, in stomatal closure induced by yeast elicitor in Arabidopsis thaliana
Ye W, Munemasa S, Nakamura Y, Mori IC, Murata Y

S7-P9  Investigation of new signaling components involved in blue light- dependent stomatal opening.
Yamauchi S, Takemiya A, Tsutsumi T, Shimazaki K

S7-P10  Glutathione negatively regulates abscisic acid signaling in guard cells
Munemasa S, Okuma E, Jahan MS, Hossain MA, Muroyama D, Islam MM, Watanabe-Sugimoto M, Nakamura Y, Shimoishi Y, Mori IC, Murata Y

S7-P11  Guard cell plasma membrane H+- ATPases: highly regulated proton pumps to control gas exchange
Martin L, Jacquet H, Renaud J, Cotelle V, Vavasseur A, Leonhardt N

S7-P12  Differential functions of homologues of phospholipases D and myrosinases in stomatal opening and closure
Mori IC, Uraji M, Islam MM, Ye W, Jahan MS, Okuma E, Munemasa S, Nakamura Y, Murata Y

S7-P13 Phosphorylation of a novel protein kinase BLUS1 is essential for stomatal opening in response to blue light
Takemiya A, Sugiyama N, Shimazaki K

S7-P14  Mg-chelatase is involved in ABA signaling in stomatal guard cells
Tomiyama M, Kinoshita T

S7-P15  Searching for mutants that exhibit stomatal opening through the H+-ATPase activation by thermography from Arabidopsis
Tsutsumi T, Takemiya A, Shimazaki K

S7-P16  Novel bHLH transcription factors facilitating K+ uptake during stomatal opening are repressed by abscisic acid through phosphorylation
Takahashi Y, Ebisu Y, Kinoshita T, Doi M, Okuma E, Murata Y, Shimazaki K

S7-P17  Inhibitory effects of methylglyoxal on light-induced stomatal opening and
inward-rectifying K+ channel activity in Arabidopsis thaliana
Okuma E, Hoque TS, Munemasa S, Uraji M, Furuichi T, Sasaki T, Hoque MA, Nakamura Y, Murata Y

S7-P18  Stomatal signaling in response to ozone, CO2, air humidity and darkness
Merilo E, Laanemets K, Margna L, Gonzalez-Guzman M, Rodrigurez PL, Xue S, Schroeder JI, Brosche M, Kollist H

S7-P19  Stomatal responses to two simultaneously applied counter-directional
environmental factors suggest that plant’s life strategy can influence its stomatal regulation
Merilo E, Joesaar I, Brosche M, Kollist H

Session VIII Signaling network for modulating membrane transport

S8-PO1  The brassinosteroid, clavata 3, and endogenous immune peptide receptors activate signaling cascades through cytosolic calcium elevation
Berkowitz G, Ma Y, Zhao Y, Chou H, Zelman A

S8-PO2  Control mechanism of osmotic stress response and plant growth by potassium transporters in Arabidopsis
Osakabe Y, Arinaga N, Umezawa T, Katsura S, Tanaka H, Yamada K, Seo S, Abo M, Yoshimura E, Shinozaki K, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K

S8-PO3 Regulation of the weakly Voltage Gated Potassium Channel AKT2
Sklodowski K, Schulze W, Dreyer I

S8-P4  Analysis of dephosphorylation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase by type 2C protein phosphatase
Hayashi Y, Kinoshita T

S8-P5  Calcium-dependent protein kinases in beetroot plasma membranes
Gonzalez de la Vara LE, Chagolla A, Lino Alfaro B

S8-P6  Calcium regulated anion channels in the plasma membrane of Lilium longiflorum pollen tube protoplasts
Domingos P, Tavares B, Dias NP, Feijó JA and Bicho A

S8-P7  An IQ domain mediates the interaction with calmodulin in a plant cyclic
nucleotide-gated channel
Fischer C, Dietrich P

S8-P8  Examining systemic regulation of the Zn-deficiency response in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Sinclair SA, Haydon MJ, Senger T, Cobbett CS, Kraemer U

S8-P9  The Enzymatic Activity of Arabidopsis Diacylglycerol Kinase 4 (AtDGK4) is
Regulated by Nitric Oxide
Wong A, Donalson L, Gehring C

S8-P10  Reconstitution of abscisic acid activation of SLAC1 anion channel by CPK6 and OST1 kinases and branched ABI1 PP2C phosphatase action
Brandt B

S8-P11  Analysis of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase in the liverwort Marchantia
Okumura M, Inoue S, Takahashi K, Ishizaki K, Kohchi T, Kinoshita T

S8-P12  Interconnecting Ca2+ and ROS signaling networks: regulation of arabidopsis RBOH
NADPH oxidases by CBL/CIPK calcium sensor-protein kinase complexes
Kudla J, Schlucking K, Drerup M, Koster P, Manishankar P, Hashimoto K, Kimura S, Kuchitsu K

S8-P13  Tip localized calcium dependent protein kinase 2 and 20 regulate the anion channel
SLAH3 to promote pollen tube growth
Konrad KR, Gutermuth T, Lassig R, Maierhofer T, Romeis T, Hedrich R, Feijó JA

Session IX Signalling (Ca2+, solute and hormone)

S9-PO1  Annexin-mediated calcium signalling in roots
Laohavisit A, Shang Z, Rubio L, Cuin TA, Very AA, Wang A, Sentenac H, Shabala S, Davies JM

S9-PO2  The peptide hormone PSY1 stimulates plant cell growth by promoting an
interaction between a LRR-receptor kinase and a proton pump
Fuglsang AT, Persson J, Cuin TA, Thuesen KH, Schulze WX, Oehlenschlager CB, Kristensen A, Sondergaard TE, Matsubayashi Y, Shabala S, Palmgren MG

S9-PO3  Auxin activates the plasma membrane H+-ATPase through phosphorylation of the
penultimate threonine without the involvement of TIR1/AFBs auxin receptors
Takahashi K, Hayashi K, Kinoshita T

S9-P4  Wound-associated surface potential changes and activation of the jasmonate pathway
Mousavi SAR, Chauvin A, Kellenberger S, Farmer EE

S9-P5  Extracellular calcium sensing is epigenetically mediated in Arabidopsis
Fu Y, Zhang G

S9-P6  The role of nitrate transporter AtNRT1.13 in nitrate allocation and shoot branching
Chen HY, Cheng LH, Tsay YF

S9-P7  The moonlighting receptor guanylate cyclase PSKR1 acts as a homo dimer
Wheeler JI, Muleya V, Mok YF, Griffin M, Chowdhury H, Irving HR

S9-P8  Calcium is the molecular switch regulating the dual kinase and guanylate cyclase activities of the phytosulfokine receptor 1 (PSKR1)
Irving HR, Muleya V, Wheeler JI, Freihat L, Thomas L, Thomas L, Marondedze C, Ruzvidzo O, Kwezi L, Gehring C, Manallack D

S9-P9  Analyses of Arabidopsis PP2A phosphatases in abscisic acid signaling.
Waadt R, Manalansan B, Munemasa S, Schroeder JI

S9-P10  ABA transporters cooperate to sustain seed dormancy
Kang J, Yim S, Choi H, Kim A, Lee KP, Molina LL, Martinoia E, Lee Y

S9-P11  Identification of interactants of the plant natriuretic peptide hormone AtPNP-A
Turek I, Gehring C

Session X Membrane lipids - membrane domains and role in transporter function

S10-PO1  FAX1, a novel membrane protein in the chloroplast inner envelope involved in export of fatty acids and/ or derivatives
Soll J, Li N, Guegel IL, Philippar K

S10-PO2  Remorin, a plant phosphorylated protein located in membrane rafts, involved in virus propagation
Mongrand S, Perraki A, Germain V, Bayer E, Mechia M, Binagni M, German S, Zelada A

S10-P3  The crucial role of phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolases PAH1/PAH2 in
triacylglycerol accumulation in leaves
Shimojima M, Madoka Y, Yamamichi K, Koizumi R, Ohta H

S10-P4  Spatial organization of tobacco cell plasma membrane: characterization, and modulation upon elicitation
Gerbeau-Pissot P, Der C, Anca I, Grosjean K, Thomas D, Roche Y, Perrier-Cornet JM, Mongrand S, Kervrann C, Simon-Plas F

S10-P5  Membrane microdomains in the plant vacuole
Yoshida K, Ohnishi M, Fukao Y, Okazaki Y, Hayashi F, Fujiwara M, Nakanishi Y, Song C, Saito K, Suzaki T, Shimmen T, Fukaki H, Maeshima M, Mimura T

Session XI Abiotic stress (drought, salt, pathogens), environmental homeostasis and membrane signaling

S11-PO1  Gene functional analysis of ABC transporter AtABCG25 in stress responses
Kuromori T, Sugimoto E, Shinozaki K

S11-PO2  GABA-gated anion channels in plants - they exist and have important
physiological roles.
Ramesh SA, Tyerman SD, Ryan PR, Gilliham M

S11-P3  OsHKT1;5-mediated Na+ transport controls a high K/Na ratio of young leaf blades in rice under salinity stress
Horie T, Suzuki K, Kashiwagi T, Yamaji N, An G, Ma JF

S11-P4  A Novel High Throughput Diagnostic Screening System for Identifying Crop Plant Stress Resistance Traits: The Physiolomics Approach
Moshelion M

S11-P5  Comparative sodium exclusion capacity between HKT1;5 homologues in wheat
Xu B, Byrt CS, James RA, Hrmova M, Munns R, Tester M, Tyerman SD, Plett D, Gilliham M

S11-P6  Role of AtCIPK16 in plant salinity tolerance
Huang W, Tester M, Roy S

S11-P7  Low pH, Aluminum and Phosphorus Coordinately Regulate Malate Exudation through GmALMT1 to Improve Soybean Adaptation to Acid Soils
Liang C, Pineros MA, Tian J, Yao Z, Sun L, Liu J, Shaff J, Coluccio A, Kochian LV, Liao H

S11-P8  Investigating the mechanisms root- to- shoot chloride transport in Arabidopsis
Qiu J, Roy S, Gilliham M

S11-P9  Identification of subclass III SnRK2-interacting proteins in Arabidopsis
Mogami J, Fujita Y, Kidokoro S, Tsukiori Y, Nakagami H, Nomura Y, Yanagisawa S, Ishida T, Mizoi J, Shinozaki K, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K

S11-P10  Salt stress signaling: Shedding light on the SOS network
Duscha K, Muller M, Meisner G, Neuhaus E

S11-P11  Involvement of PDR transporters in biotic stress response
Sallets A, Toussaint F, Bienert D, Roland J, Baijot A, Lefevre F, Pierman B, Nader J, Boutry M

S11-P12  Regulation of iron utilization by transcription factor IDEF1
Kobayashi T, Nakanishi Itai R, Ogo Y, Kakei Y, Aung MS, Senoura T, Nakanishi H, Nishizawa NK

S11-P13  Arabidopsis thaliana Plant Natriuretic Pepide A, AtPNP-A modulates homeostasis
during growth and abiotic stress responses in planta
Donaldson LE, Meier SK, Gehring CA

S11-P14  Identification of a novel gene to reduce boron requirement in Arabidopsis thaliana
Fukuma K, Fujiwara T, Miwa K

S11-P15  The functional analysis of Cyclic-Nucleotide Gated Cation Channels (CNGCs) in barley
Nobukiyo Y, Katsuhara M

S11-P16  ATL31, a membrane localized ubiquitin ligase, regulates the stability of 14-3-3 proteins in response to nutrient conditions
Yasuda S, Maekawa S, Aoyama S, Sato T, Yamaguchi J

S11-P17  Sodium transport and ion transporter gene expressions in the root of common reed (Phragmites australis)
Higuchi K, Sato T, Suzui N, Mayuyama T, Fujimaki S, Miwa E

S11-P18  Role of PLAFP in lipid signaling and the adaptation to drought
Hoffmann-Benning S, Tamot B, Benning U, Guo T, Tetyuk O

S11-P19  Regulation of AtHKT1;1 expression, a gene encoding for a sodium transporter, in the ecotypes Col-0 and C24
Schmoeckel SM, Sundstrom JF, Tester M, Berger B, Roy SJ

S11-P20  A CBL5/CIPK2 calcium sensor/protein kinase complex modulates the transport activity of MATE-type transporters involved in the key plant aluminum resistance mechanism mediated by root organic acid release.
Pineros M, Fich E, Offenborn N, Mahs A, Kudla J, Kochian L

S11-P21  Salicylic acid induces upr genes through ire1/bzip60 pathway in arabidopsis
Nagashima Y, Iida T, Mishiba K, Koizumi N

S11-P22  Expression level of OsHKT2;1 transporter gene has positive relationship with enhanced sodium uptake in potassium-deficient rice plants
Miyamoto T, Ochiai K, Matoh T

S11-P23  Varietal difference in sodium accumulation of rice in different root temperature
Nishida R, Hirai Y, Tsuda M

S11-P24  Identification of proteins that interact with endosomal NHX type cation/H+ antiporter, AtNHX5
Tajima H, Reguera M, Bassil E, McCubbin T, Blumwald E

S11-P25  Two ABC transporters which deposit steryl glycosides on pollen coat are
important for pollen fitness
Choi H

S11-P26  Identification of a low-boron tolerant accession N13 in Arabidopsis thaliana
Chiba M, Miwa K

S11-P27  Membrane transporters differentially expressed between salt tolerant and salt sensitive Vitis rootstocks and their role in chloride exclusion
Henderson SW, Blackmore DH, Baumann U, Walker AR, Tyerman SD, Walker RR, Gilliham M

S11-P28  Cell-to-cell movement of D14 protein which works in Strigolactone signaling pathway
Kameoka H, Luo L, Kyozuka J

S11-P29  Cell-type Specific Expression of Multiple Salt Tolerance Genes to Improve Plant Salinity Tolerance
Wellman G, Roy SJ, Jacobs A

S11-P30  Insights into cGMP-dependent, abiotic stress responsive and membrane bound phosphoproteins in Arabidopsis thaliana
Marondedze C, Thomas L, Kathryn L, Gehring C

S11-P31  Hyperpolarization-Activated Calcium Channels (HACCs) in Vicia faba guard cells are blocked by Internal Magnesium
Lemtiri-Chlieh F, MacRobbie EAC, Gehring C

Session XII Transporter study for improvement of crop yield and quality

S12-PO1  Molecular identity and functional characterization of transporters involved in vacuolar citrate and malate transport in ripening tomato fruit
Kugler A, Baxter CJ, Smith JAC, Sweetlove LJ

S12-PO2  Distinct above- and belowground synthesis and vascular transport control short- and long-chained aliphatic glucosinolate distribution in vegetative Arabidopsis
Nour-Eldin HH, Andersen TG, Fuller VL, Olsen CE, Burow M, Halkier BA

S12-PO3 Molecular breeding of floricultural crops using transporter genes
Oda T, Makino H, Mizuno Y, Nekohashi M, Hoshino A, Yoshida K, Matsumoto S, Shiratake K

S12-P4  AtHMA4-expression in tobacco to improve shoot Zn content ? mechanisms
underlying detected modifications
Siemianowski O, Williams LE, Antosiewicz DM

S12-P5  phosphate entry into soybean nodules mainly through two high-affinity Phosphate transporters, GmPT5 and GmPT7
Chen L, Qin L

S12-P6  Transcriptional response of Medicago truncatula sulphate transporters to
arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis with and without sulphur stress
Wipf D, Gallardo K, Casieri L

S12-P7  Sugar Transporter and Aquaporin genes in Tomato
Akiyama M, Azuma M, Yasuda T, Mori C, Nashima K, Aoki K, Shibata D, Siratake K

S12-P8  The phosphate transporter OsPht1;8 is responsible for phosphate translocation from old leaves to young leaves in rice
Li Y

S12-P9  Role of sucrose transporter NtSUT1 in growth under normal and aluminum stress in BY-2 tobacco cell line
Sameeullah M, Sasaki T, Yamamoto Y

S12-P10  AtCLCa is involved in I- transport into vacuoles
Kuribayashi M, Kato S, Shimoyama T, Watanabe A, Yoshida S, Sekimoto H, Thomine S, Filleur S, Takahashi M

S12-P11  Regulation of glucosinolate transport
Jorgensen ME, Madsen SR, Nour-Eldin HH, Geiger D, Hedrich R, Halkier BA

S12-P12  Increase the tolerance of rice to low iron availability in calcareous soils for improvement of crop yield
Nishizawa NK, Shimochi E, Masuda H, Hamada T, Kobayashi T

S12-P13  Expression and function of two potassium transporters, OsHAK1 and OsHAK5 in rice
Yang T, Hu Y, Chen L, Chen G, Xu G, Yu L

Session XIII Omics for transporter study

S13-PO1  Comparison of bundle sheath and mesophyll cells transcriptomes in both
well-watered and water-deficient Arabidopsis (C3) plants: transport protein genes
Wigoda N, Moshelion M, Pasmanik-Chor M, Moran N

S13-PO2  The soybean symbiosome membrane: a plant membrane that is the interface between rhizobia and its host plant
Clarke V, Loughlin P, Qu Y, Chen C, Brear E, Noor SM, Castelli J, Ludwig M, Overall RL, Day DA, Smith PMC

S13-P3  Tobacco AtHMA4 transgenic plants as a tool to search for genes associated with low Cd root-to-shoot translocation
Barabasz A, Klimecka M, Antosiewicz DM

S13-P4  Membrane transporters and regulation of gene expression in roots and nodules of the model legume Medicago truncatula
Benedito VA, Dai X, Kryvoruchko I, Valentine AJ, Zhao PX, Udvardi MK

S13-P5  Characterisation of transport proteins on the symbiosome membrane of soybean (Glycine max)
Mohd Noor SN, Clarke V, Overall R, Day D, Smith P

S13-P6  The root plasma membrane ferric-chelate reductase (FRO) - roles and functions under iron-deficiancy in Pisum sativum MILL.
Meisrimler CN, Luthje S

S13-P7  Proteomic profiles of Pisum sativum inner and outer chloroplast envelope
Gutierrez-Carbonell E, Takahashi D, Lattanzio G, Rodriguez-Celma J, Duy D, Philippar K, Kehr J, Uemura M, Abadía J, López-Millán AF

Workshop 1 New insights into LRR-receptor kinase

W1-P1  Homodimerization and transphosphorylation are involved in the activation
mechanism of the LRR-Receptor Kinase PSY1R
Oehlenschlaeger CB, Andersen LB, Fuglsang AT

Workshop 2 New insights into imaging

W2-P1  Dimerization of GFPs fused to H+-pyrophosphatase influences the morphology
and dynamics of vacuoles
Segami S, Makino S, Miyake A, Asaoka M, Maeshima M

W2-P2 Development and application to a real-time radiographic imaging system for plants
Sugita R, Hirose A, Kobayashi NI, Tanoi K, Nakanishi TM